autumn movies to watch

24 Autumn Movies to Watch Right Now To Put You In The Spirit Of Fall

autumn movies to watch

We’ve compiled our favorite autumn movies to watch this fall season, so you don’t have to waste your time searching! We’ve exhausted the scrolling bar to find the best movies (and a few good tv shows), so you don’t have to!

This post is all about autumn movies to watch!

All products featured on Cailey Maclean are independently selected by our editors. Cailey Maclean is not sponsored by any of the following gift suggestions.

Little Women

“The ultimate comfort movie!! It feels so authentic, especially the family dynamics. As one of three sisters, I can confirm that we can easily go from laughing to yelling and fighting in less than a minute. But we always sort it out – our love for one another always wins. The bond between sister is not one to take lightly, and the movie shows this wonderfully.” – Rotten Tomatoes’ Review

This movie is a timeless classic that will forever have a place in my sentimental heart. The family dynamic is strong, loving, and gives you a cozy sense of home.

Edward Scissor Hands

“First time watching it all the way through (it’s only ever been in slivers and chunks over the decades prior). This is an unquestionable masterpiece. Early Tim Burton stuff is absurdly great.” – Rotten Tomatoes’ Review

You honestly can’t have autumn or Christmas without Edward Scissor Hands. Johnny Depp gave a phenomenal performance that made this movie into the legendary film that it was.


“Ghostbusters is one of the greatest comedy films of all time!” – Rotten Tomatoes’ Review

Who you gonna call??? Ghostbusters! Absolute must for your Halloween movie watching list.

Age Of Adeline

“Yes is it not scientifically possible, but it sure is a beautiful story. I cried and it definitely pulls at the heart strings. Also, Blake Lively is a beautiful human and a great actress.” – Rotten Tomatoes’ Review

Blake Lively’s performance gave me literal chills as she took on the role of an older woman trapped in a never aging body. Her tone, manners, and all-around gentle lady-like nature shined throughout this film.

You’ve Got Mail

“A love story destined to be remembered as one of the best of the decade.” – Rotten Tomatoes’ Review

Truly, we can’t have a list of autumn movies to watch without showcasing the rom-com tale of You’ve Got Male! A classic is a classic for a reason.

Sixth Sense

“One of the rare horror films to earn an Oscar nomination for Best Picture, it remains a personal best for the director.” Rotten Tomatoes’ Review

As the autumn chill descends upon us, so does our interest in eerie film classics such as the Six Sense. I had heard of the hype surrounding this movie for years before I finally took the dive and pressed play. Now it’s one of my top recommended movies for Halloween.

Legally Blonde

“Legally Blonde is chock-full of instantly iconic lines, but I’ve always adored the scathing specificity of, “Don’t stomp your little last season Prada shoes at me, honey!”” Rotten Tomato’s Review

Reese Witherspoon’s performance is not only phenomenal, but the settings of going to law school in the autumn season is beautiful! Only Witherspoon can make bright pink a fall aesthetic!

Monster House

“One of the best animated movies of the past couple of years and the most enjoyable family entertainment of recent months.” Rotten Tomatoes’ Review

Don’t let this animation fool you. It’s not just for kids, and the tale will have you spooked. Not ‘The Purge’ series by James Demonaco kind of spooked, but spooked nevertheless.

Gilmore Girls (Seasons, Episodes Below)

“Where most of the new shows I’ve been forced to sit through lately do just about everything wrong, “Gilmore Girls” gets most of the fundamentals right, especially the acting and writing.” – Rotten Tomatoes’ Review

Pretty sure every blog has Gilmore Girls on their list for autumn shows to watch. However, I’m going to give you a quick cheat sheet to know which episodes to watch to ensure your fall aesthetic factor is 100% optimize.

  • Season 1, Episode 7
  • Season 3, Episode 5
  • Season 3, Episode 6
  • Season 3, Episode 7
  • Season 3, Episode 8
  • Season 3, Episode 10
  • Season 4, Episode 5
  • Season 4, Episode 8
  • Season 4, Episode 9
  • Season 5, Episode 5
  • Season 5, Episode 7
  • Season 5, Episode 10
  • Season 5, Episode 19
  • Season 6, Episode 7


“This is a story about the family you choose, versus the one you were born into. And for some people, the chosen family is the one that makes all the difference.” – Rotten Tomatoes’ Review

You haven’t seen Matilda yet? Then you absolutely need to add this 1996 film to your autumn watch list!

When Harry Met Sally

“Cynically lovely and a whip smart archetype for the modern rom-com.” Rotten Tomatoes’ Review

You really can’t go wrong with a fall film based in New York! The dreamy backdrop of the city skyline paired with the humorous love story of Harry and Sally is a recipe for great girl’s night in.


“One of the best movies on streaming service, must watch for anyone who loves a relatable comedy!” – Rotten Tomatoes’ Review

Speaking of a movie worthy of a girl’s night in! Clueless should 100% be on your must-watch list.

Train To Busan

“Train to Busan defies the notion that all has been said and done when it comes to zombies” Rotten Tomatoes’ Review

Korean films are some of the best movies out there! Train To Busan will have to shaking in your boots as you watch a group of people have to use their own wit and skill to get out of what appears to be a very, VERY impossible situation. Zombies everywhere!

Sleepy Hollow

“It is a horror film, but it’s a Tim Burton horror film. Make no mistake about that.” – Rotten Tomatoes’ Review

Kick-off Halloween early with the headless horsemen’s tale of dread and horror this fall! A chilling thriller with a late 1700’s feel.

Shutter Island

“I had heard a great deal about the film Shutter Island yet had never watched it before. Having seen it, I don’t know why it got totally overlooked at the Oscars.” – Rotten Tomato Review

No spoilers from me! Leonardo DiCaprio will leave you at the edge of your seat until the very end in this thrilling murder mystery.

Willy Wonka And the Chocolate Factory

“Every time you watch it, you’re newly impressed by its heartfelt story line, unfussy direction, wit and humor (with Gene Wilder giving a performance for the ages). Warner 4K HD Blu-ray.” – Rotten Tomato’s Review

It’s a classic and shall remain a classic! You can watch the newer Willy Wonka or the original. Better yet have a Willy Wonka movie marathon!

The Boy

“I loved this movie. It seemed like this movie was going to be a paranormal movie, and then it went the other direction. It was very unique. I think the plot twist is what made the movie 100x creepier. I think it was a bit long and could’ve gotten to the point more quickly. But the movie is still worth watching.” – Rotten Tomato’s Review

In my humble opinion, this movie gets a really bad rap from horror fanatics at a 68% on Rotten Tomatoes. However, I would say keep an open mind and consider this on your movie watch list for Halloween as it is very entertaining. I know my husband and I were spooked by the twist at the end.

The Thing

“Every October, I revisit John Carpenter’s “The Thing” to celebrate the month of Halloween, and every year I arrive at the same conclusion: it’s one of the most effective horror films ever made.” – Rotten Tomato’s Review

I introduced this film to my husband recently and the film was just as scary as I remembered as a teenager. The creature’s ability to manipulate not only the situation, but its own body into a contorted mess is utterly terrifying.


“#Alive is a nifty little thriller that proves that you can always find signs of life in the most undead of genres.” Rotten Tomato’s Review

Korean zombies are truly the BEST! The direction this film takes is from the perspective of a survivor who listens to the news and stays in his apartment vs other films where the main character has to reach a destination. Really, REALLY well made!

Bird Box

“Really cool film, it’s hard to find ones these days that require the audience to have an imagination to be enjoyed to their fullest.” – Rotten Tomato’s Review

The Bird Box is like the Quiet Place, but for eyesight instead of noise! However, I will warn you there are a couple of scenes to skip especially if you have children watching.


“Tim Burton is a genius!! This movie is weird, but I absolutely love it!! And clay-mation is one of the coolest things. If you like any of Tim Burton’s movies, then watch this, because it was rad!” – Rotten Tomato’s Review

I wasn’t introduced to Coraline until I was an adult, and I now understand why people say this movie was so creepy despite the child-like animation style. Really the animation style increases the thrill factor 1000x more.

Resident Evil

“On its own terms, Resident Evil updates the zombie genre with an anti-corporate message while still scaring its audience and providing heart-pounding action.” Rotten Tomato’s Review

For this film I personally would recommend doing a movie marathon with your friends and going through the whole series together from beginning to end!

The Shinning

“The classic Stanley Kubrick film isn’t just scary – it is also, in its own odd way, defined by a hopeful perspective on life and death.” – Rotten Tomatoes’ Review

“Here’s Johnny!” And here is another Fall / Halloween horror classic to have under your belt! Just make sure your nightlight is nearby when you watch it. 😉

The Birds

“The Birds remains a brilliant demonstration of schematic-yet-riveting visual storytelling, the kind you can tell was extensively storyboarded in advance.” – Rotten Tomatoes’ Review

Old me would never have dreamed of putting The Birds on the autumn movies to watch, but truly this film has earned its spot on the scary suspense list! The storytelling is really well-done and keeps you intrigued even though the film is a slower moving plotline.

This post is all about autumn movies to watch!

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