DIY Disney Christmas Party * Host A Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party At Home

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Have you ever wanted to go to Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas party, but a Disney World trip was just not in the budget? My mom decided to host her very own Disney Christmas party, and we honestly felt the Disney magic during her whole holiday event! My mom worked hard to recreate the activities Disney World provides (minus the rides) during their well-known Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas party! She included a dessert party, a cookie stroll, a Disney parade, as well as so much more!
My mom is a professional at all things Disney (we’ve been going since I can remember), and I have to say I was truly ASTONISHED by how creative her Disney Christmas party was! These Mickey party tips are so good, they just might become your new family tradition!!!
This post is all about Disney Christmas Party!


How Does Disney World Decorate For Christmas?
Creating a Disney Christmas themed event is not nearly as complicated / expensive as you may think it is! I have LOVED strolling through the streets of Disney since I was a little girl. However, what stands out to me is how the park can SCREAM Mickey Mouse or be completely subtle in their use of Mickey ears in their decorations.
We didn’t own enough Disney decor to spread throughout the party, so my mom decided to go for a subtle approach! She included Mickey ears in the goodie bags and had Disney music playing in the background to give off a magical vibe. If you enjoy my mom’s gingerbread decorations in the above images, then I’ll link some similar items for you to grab this holiday season!
Similar Gingerbread Themed Decor

In this next section, we’ll be going into the nitty gritty details of how we recreated the Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas party activities! I’ll also share with you how you can improve upon one of the activities such as the classic ‘Cookie Stroll’ you experience when in the EPCOT park!
(This is where you will get your party itinerary from)

You’ll use the Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas itinerary as a guide to what you can consider recreating for a party of your own at home!
- Wristband Distribution
- Mickey’s Party Parade
- Mickey’s Merriest Celebration Party Performance
- Mickey’s Dessert Party
- Mickey’s Firework Show
Two additional activities we’ll be including in the itinerary is: A Jingle Bell Cruise as well as EPCOT’s well known Christmas Cookie Stroll. However, I’ll explain this further in the blog post.

At Mickey’s party they distribute out wristbands to the guests, so they know who is attending the party during the event. My mom actually purchased rubber bands we would put on at the door to signify we were entering her very own Mickey Christmas party! She’s the CUTEST! She also provided goodie bags to which I’ll link as many similar products as possible below.

Disney Mickey Ears

It’s not a Mickey party without the staple Mickey and Minnie ears! If you have some guests who you know will not want to wear ears, then I’ll include an option you can include for them as well! This got every super exciting to get into the Disney fun!

Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Parade
As family and friends were getting settled in, Mom arranged to have the Christmas Disney parade playing on the TV in the background! This was smart of her to slip the parade in as a background activity as some people would sit down to watch the parade while others were still wanting to chat and catch up! Which is true because some people are sitting in the park to watch the parade while others are rushing off to do other activities!
Serve Your Meal Of Choice!

By this point everyone has greeted each other, and the Disney parade is probably coming to an end on the TV. You can choose to do a sit-down dinner or provide delicious pizza like my mom did! A little recommendation: Go with a simple meal because this party has a lot more activities than your typical Christmas party. Consider going easy on yourself and have pizza delivered! I mean, Disney serves pizza, so I do not see why you can’t!
Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Performance
As everyone is settled down to eat, this is the perfect time to showcase the live Mickey’s Merriest Celebration performance! This is a fan favorite at Disney’s Christmas party! Adults and children will love this at your event while they enjoy their Christmas meal! We sat around in the living room and watched the show, and it was honestly a lot of fun!

By this point in the party everyone’s been fed, and they’ve finished the Mickey’s Merriest party performance! It sounds like it’s time for dessert! The EPCOT cookie stroll is a culinary Christmas adventure for those who want to experience tasty treats from all around the world! This is such a charming experience, but it costs extra if you want to participate in sampling the various treats from the different booths in EPCOT.
While the cookie stroll is not included in the Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas party, my mom found a creative way to improve upon this fun Disney activity!
This is where our helpful gingerbread man comes in handy to dish out some international cookies to represent a variety of countries! He even has pens laid on his feet as he’s so excited to get this fun activity started!

My mom selected six cookies to represent six different countries! They were beautifully displayed in the dining room area on the hutch! Our cookie chief was surrounded by gingerbread buildings as well as tasty treats and a quiz to test our guests’ international culinary wits!
Disney Cookie Stroll Game
(Choose Carefully or You May Need to Get Your Passport Renewed for A 2nd Trip Around the World

The set up for this game is relatively easy and playing the game is even easier! You can pick any country you want along with the corresponding cookie to represent the culture!

Everybody gets a plate, napkin, pen, and a sheet of paper with the name of the cookies as well as a long list of countries. The name of the game is to guess which country the cookie was originally made in! My aunt had the answer key, so we would turn in our paper to her. She would grade us on which countries we got correct.
It’s not as easy to guess as you might think! My mom listed 9 optional countries with six cookies displayed which really threw us off! If you’ve got one wrong, then you had to try again! Everyone had to go back at least once! You’re racing to be the first to complete the quiz since she included a mini prize for the winner!

I don’t have a photo of the winning prize options as I was definitely NOT the winner! lol I went back many times trying to guess the correct cookie to the correct country, but I honestly wasn’t complaining! Especially with the tasty the macaroons from Australia waiting for me! JK! JK! I know they’re from France. LOL

Disney provides a dessert party with delicious treats and tasty drinks! My mom provided a variety of desserts and apple cider! We also included a savory board with cheeses and meats to break up the sweets.

The best desserts you’re going to find is at Costco. That is where she found these delicious gingerbread cupcakes. I also recommend you get the Boursin cheese from Costco but wait until they go on sale in October! In my experience, the cheese freezes really well, so you can bring it out come Christmas time! Also, the BEST macaroons are the ones sold under ‘Signature Select’ at Albertsons. Really tasty and always a hit! The ones at Costco are super good as well!
The only desserts I DO NOT recommend are Costco’s frozen cheesecakes. We were not a fan of those desserts. The Tiramisu’s weren’t bad but they were not an absolute favorite amongst the group. However, it may be that we are just not Tiramisu people, so use your own judgement on that.
As everyone has their favorite desserts loaded on their plate, take your family back to the living room to enjoy the Disney fireworks show in your living room! My mom gave us all lighted wands, rings, glasses, and wrist bands to make it feel like we were a part of the lightshow experience! WARNING: If you hand people lighted wands…a large scale lightsaber battle may breakout! Don’t ask me how I know!


When you go to Disney’s Very Merry Christmas Party, you will receive a gift with your ticket price! Typically, it’s a Disney Christmas ornament! I’ve linked a couple of ideas for you to choose from above! You can write the date on the back, so everyone can remember when they celebrated the best Disney Christmas theme EVER!

Not included in the Disney party itinerary, but an excited new tradition to consider if you have a family that loves to sing! Round everyone together in the car and drive around town singing Christmas carols! You and the whole family can see the local Christmas lights in town while you all carol the night away to your favorite festive tunes! You can decorate your cars for the Jingle Cruise and jam the night away!!!

When I say my mom really has a gift for beautiful decor, I mean it! She completely decked out her front porch with a nutcracker theme. We were all given fun signs to hold, and we took a group photo on her front porch! This is a wonderful tradition to get a photo of your whole family together as well as a way to show off your wonderful porch decor! I’ll update this photo if I get consent from my whole family to post the group photo. At some point, I’ll do a dedicated post just to her front porch decor, so you can see the whole aesthetic!

(Is the Christmas party at Disney World worth it?)
According to website, tickets to go to Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas party can range anywhere between $169 – $219 and this doesn’t include the cost of a hotel, flights, food, and any fun souvenirs you and your family may want to pick up along the way! I remember when my husband and I saved up to go on a trip to Disney World and the price was at least $4k for 2 people. OUCH!
So, is the trip to visit Mickey worth it? A trip to Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas party is 1000% worth it! You’ll make fond memories with your loved ones, and Disney is one of those destination vacations that are actually worth the hype! However, the price to get through those magical doors are not always within the budget. That’s where we hope this blog post helped you in saving money and creating magical Disney memories with your family this year!
And with that, we conclude our at home Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas party! I truly hope you all enjoyed my mom’s fun party idea to recreate the Disney activities at home! We truly had a wonderful time together and it’s a memory we will all hold closely in our hearts! I’m incredible honored to have such a talented Mother who creates a cozy and inviting home for all of us kids to reunite and create long-lasting memories! She truly is the ultimate hostess!
I also want to share that party is set to celebrate the festive December season, but our official Christmas party is designed to focus on our Lord Jesus Christ.
I won’t be able to make a blog post on this because I put the camera away come Christmas time, and I focus on Jesus Christ who died on the Cross for me. I truly pray you have a very merry Christmas this wonderful season!
Onto Your Next Adventure

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This post was all about Disney Christmas Party Ideas