fall dining room table decor

Create Your Own Fall Decor Dining Room Your Friends Will Be Inspired By

fall dining room table decor

We waste no time preparing for our fall decorations here in the Cailey Maclean community because we love this season just so dang much! This blog post on fall dining room table decor has been my favorite article to write out of the whole fall house decor series! I have been chomping at the bit to share these wonderful ideas my mom has cooked up for you all and trust me when I say the woman does not disappoint!

This post is all about fall dining room table decor!

The best thing about fall is that you are not nearly as restricted as you may think when it comes to choosing the color scheme. Orange and red tones are very common options, but you can intermix whites, browns, yellows, and even green colors into your style. Look outside in nature for inspiration as it may help inspire the aesthetic you’re aiming to achieve indoors.

fall dining room table decor

My mom’s house had a smaller dining room than most, so there weren’t a lot of dining room tables that fit the space as well as she would prefer.

She came across this beautiful sofa / flip top console table from Ashley Furniture, and she’s loved it ever since! For long-term use, you can’t put a crazy ton of weight on the flaps as they’re held together by hinges. However, she’s had the piece for over a year now and still loves it like brand new! Not to mention it was considerably less expensive that the dining room set!

fall house decor

Nevertheless, here is the actual dining table from the Havalance set at Ashley Furniture!

fall dining room table decor

fall dining room table decor
fall dining room table decor

Decorating for Small Spaces:

When decorating a space (especially a small space), you want to be mindful of how the room is going to be used. In the above example, my mom considered this dining room table was going to have people eating here and playing card games. She didn’t want to place decorations on the table that would be difficult to move off to the side or block a person’s view.

Sometimes we think we can decorate a lot (or decorate big) and figure people will just work around the items when they’re ready to use the space. However, when you overburden a space with decor then it creates an added barrier for the person wanting to use the area. Essentially overdecorating discourages people from using the space at all. Now, if this is your GOAL then by all means go right ahead! 😉

However, if that’s not the goal then the image above does a great job of making a statement of fall aesthetic without overdoing it.

If you’re on the hunt for where my mom purchased her gorgeous metal lantern, I found the listing for you at Hobby Lobby linked below.

Next Adventure!

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