24 Insanely Good Hobby Ideas No One Talks About

If you’ve clicked on this post then you’re in need of a new hobby idea to set up your summer for success! I’ve experienced a wide variety of hobbies I’ve greatly enjoyed that don’t typically show up on other blog post lists. Search no more and discover your new pass time with our post on insanely good hobbies!
This post is all about insanely hobby ideas!
All products featured on Cailey Maclean are independently selected by our editors. Cailey Maclean is not sponsored by any of the following gift suggestions.

“It is the set of the sails, not the direction of the wind that determines which way we will go.” – Jim Rohn
Don’t scroll past this happy too quickly! Maybe you live in a landlocked state? Not a problem! You need to do some research on Google to see if there are any sailing associations in your area. I’ve raced sailboats competitively in Northern Idaho for years! Most of the residents were unaware of the sailing opportunities that were in their local neighborhood!
Do you not own a sailboat? Hardly a problem at all! You can go through what we call O.P.B. which stands for Other People’s Boats! LOL Captain’s need crew to run their vessel, so I’ve contacted my local sailing association and asked if they knew of anyone who was in need of hands for the upcoming races. I’ve met the nicest people this way!
The mark of a great fencer is not how good they are at their best, but how good they are at their worst” – Anonymous.
Fencing is a super creative way to get in exercise while developing a new skill set. Not to mention a super cool flex to your family and friends!
Start A Blog
“Your blog is your best networking tool.” Andy Crestodina
Blogging is nothing to mess around with my friends! It takes up a good amount of time to write good quality content and regularly maintain a schedule. If you have a topic you thoroughly enjoy then consider starting a blog!
Ice Skating
“When I step on the ice, I can really forget all of my problems and just SKATE!” – Anonymous.
Blake Lively’s performance gave me literal chills as she took on the role of an older woman trapped in a never aging body. Her tone, manners, and all around gentle lady-like nature shined throughout this film.
Document Your Family History
“I wish I had realized that family history is a perishable commodity. It disappears with time, as memories fade, and as loved ones pass on. I wish I had known that the most important aspect of the family history is preserving a record of the present for the future.” – Guy Black
This could be among one of the most important hobbies you pick up for you and your future generations. Once loved ones pass away, you lose a library of information about your history! I recommend using recorders to capture your loved one’s voices and go through family photos with your relatives.
“Forget the last arrow, only the next one counts.” – Anonymous.
Get your archery equipment and set up your archery targets! This is an amazing pass time and oh-so satisfying as you watch your aim get better!
Photography / Videography
“A lot of cinematography is intuition. It’s an art, not a formula.” – Reed Morano
This hobby pairs really well with our recommendation of documenting family history! Every year I take all of the photos and footage I captured and develop a family video we can look back on and enjoy. 🙂

“A bad day on the mountain always beats a good day in the office.” – Mike BRCIC
Bike riding has to be one of the most invigorating experiences! You can choose to go slow and cruise along to relaxing music, or ride like the wind! You pick the pace and enjoy the ride!
Write A Fictional Story Based On Your Favorite Book

“Forget all the rules. Forget about being published. Write for yourself and celebrate writing.” – Melinda Haynes
I believe the word we’re looking for is Fanfiction! Whether it’s Star Wars or Jane Austin’s world of romantic dramas, there may be an original character you want to write into the tale! Let your creative juices flow and post a story on the Fanficiton website for other readers to enjoy!
Gaming Tournaments
“Keep playing games. Make time to play games with your friends and family, because it’s surprisingly heartbreaking to wipe a thin layer of dust off a game you love, before you have to put it back on the shelf because the real world is calling you.” – Wil Wheaton
Set-up a month-long gaming tournament with your closest friends! You and your friends can meet up once a week and either choose to repeat the same game every week or a different one. Keep score of everyone’s wins and losses and have set up first second and third place awards to create incentive!

Write A Children’s Book
“You have to write the book that wants to be written. And if the book will be too difficult for grown-ups, then you write it for children.” – Madeline L’Engle
Writing children’s books are more difficult than I could ever imagine. I developed a short story about my grandfather in-law as a gift for my husband and the process was so rewarding!
Learn A Dance from A Music Video
“The job of feet is walking, but their hobby is dancing.” – Amit Kalantri
First thing that comes to mind is the music video ‘Thriller’ by Michael Jackson or one of the dances from NSYNC. Get your friends together and try to learn the dance from one of your favorite music videos and make it by weekly event with family and friends!
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Pick Up Cosplay
“Cosplay is not a contest of who can be the “best” of a certain character. Cosplay is a collaboration of those who have the most fun celebrating that character.” – Misa On Wheels
If you have a favorite character on the screen you want to bring to life, pick up cosplay! Seriously! You can find out when a convention is coming to your town and make that a deadline to put the clothing together! Not to mention, think about how good the photos will be as you pose with fellow cosplayers!

“Overall, I want you to discover the joy of creation by your own hand…the possibility of creation from paper is infinite.” – Akira Yoshizawa
There are a lot of incredible creations you can make with just paper and a Youtube tutorial! Pick up origami and share your creations with the world!
Rock Climbing

“The best climber in the world is the one who’s having the most fun.” – Alex Lowe
Make A Biography
“Read no history: nothing but biography, for that is life without theory.” – Benjamin Disraeli
Here is a hobby idea that will keep you busy for some time! Write a biography about your life or someone else’s life!
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Learn to Fly
“Pilots take no special joy in walking. Pilots like flying.” – Anonymous
Learning to fly is a more expensive hobby to take on. However, if you are interested in getting your private pilot’s certificate then this is a very challenging and rewarding hobby to undertake!
Sewing Classes
“Sewing each day keeps the crazy away.” – Anonymous
Learning to sew your own clothes seriously opens your world to possibilities! I got into wearing plaid skirts before it became a big fashion trend, so finding the right skirt that I was looking for was near impossible. Sewing allowed me to create the vision I had in my head! You won’t regret it!
“Parkour teaches you to be sure of what you are able to do.” – David Belle
Have you ever played that video game titled Mirror’s Edge? If you have then we’re not recommending you go to Faith’s level of extreme, but there are usually some really good classes out there that will teach you how to do basic parkour moves. PARKOUR!
Become An Expert Historian
“Those who don’t know history are dommed to repeat it.” – Edmund Burke
Let’s be real here: There is WAY too much history to try to become an expert in all areas. BUT! You can find an era you really resonate with and then completely immerse yourself into it! Roman Empire; what a great conversation piece!
Grow Your Own English Garden
“To plant a garden is to dream of tomorrow.” Audrey Hepburn
It feels like everyone has a eucalyptus plant by now, so why not challenge yourself to make an actually English garden in your front yard! Your friends will consider you quite the pro!
Pick Up Entomology
“If I could turn myself into any bug or insect; I would like to be a butterfly and fill colors, beauty and happiness in other’s lives.” – MITI Sengupta
Entomology what? Yeah, it takes a second glance to pronounce this word correctly. Entomology is the study of insects. You can develop your own collection of bugs!
Soap Carving
“The best things in life are handmade.” – Unknown
You don’t hear about soap carving as much as you think you would considering how beautiful the designs are! This hobby is a great way to make personalized gifts for family and friends!
Make Snow Globes
“The Birds remains a brilliant demonstration of schematic-yet-riveting visual storytelling, the kind you can tell was extensively storyboarded in advance.” – Rotten Tomatoes’ Review
This would be such a unique hobby that we bet your friends would not expect you to say you make snow globes as a pastime. Also, yet another great hobby that will give you the opportunity to create personalized gifts for your loved ones!
Hope You Enjoyed Our Post On Great Hobby Ideas!
This post is all about hobby ideas!
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