42 Activities To Help You Create Your Perfect Morning Routine
Today we’re going to help you uncover your perfect morning routine to start your day off right!

Your Perfect Morning Routine Will Change With You
If you’re reading this post, you’re probably like me and all for starting your day off on the right foot. I was OBSESSED with finding the perfect morning routine that tailors to my lifestyle, but it can get daunting finding a routine that works best for you. After researching / practicing countless morning routines, we’ve compiled the ultimate list of activities for you to easily pick and choose from.
Girl, before you jump into the list hear me out! Your perfect morning routine tomorrow may not be perfect for you in a month. . As humans we grow and change due to life circumstances or a change in the season. Our morning routines have to adapt to our needs, so reflect on this post often when you feel you need to change up your routine again.
This post is all about your perfect morning routine
Spend Time With The Lord

When I take time to be with God, my day feels so much brighter as I know He is in full control. Start your day off right and spend time with the Lord. Take some time in prayer or read a chapter in the Bible. I recommend making this be one of the first activities you do in the day to start your day off right.
Tea Time To Yourself

Seize the sunny day outside! Brew yourself a pot of tea and take in the cool breeze as you sit still in your front yard to enjoy a moment to yourself. Invite a friend over and catch up for morning tea!
Make Your Bed
f you have a hard time making your bed in the morning, ask yourself why this simple task goes undone? Is it because you wake up too late in the morning and have to rush to work? Or is your bedding waaaay too heavy to where you struggle to make the bed (which was my situation)? Ask yourself these questions to identify what is preventing you from making your bed and create a solution for these obstacles.
Get In A Workout

If the idea of working out turns you off then take a quick 10 minute walk. As the saying goes if you don’t use it you lose it. Working out is about more than just your physical aesthetic as it plays a huge part in how you want to feel about yourself. Getting in a little bit of movement in your day will increase your endorphins which will boost your mood. Make a playlist you’re looking forward to listening to and enjoy your walk.
Light Seasonal Candles

Stage your favorite candles around the house, so when you wake up in the morning you can light the candles as you go. Pick a different scent for reach room, so your nose doesn’t get used to just one smell. An all time favorite scent I highly recommend is Champagne Toast from Bath & Body. I keep my matches by my candles, so I can readily light the candles in my home.
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Throw Open The Curtains
Don’t neglect the power of natural sunlight! One of the first things I do in the morning is throw open the curtains and let the sunshine spill into the room. This seriously wakes me up so much faster compared to turning on the lights in our house.
Put On Background Music

We’ve lite a candle, opened up the curtains, but now we need some background music to set the scene. I strongly recommend using a service like Pandora to randomly pick the songs for you. If you try manually picking each song then you can get too caught up in trying to find the next song when you should be enjoying your morning. Don’t ask me how I know. 😉
Spend Time With Your Pet

Whether you own a cat, a dog, or even a little hamster take 15 minutes out of your morning to shower them with love. Go on a walk with your dog or pull out a string for your cat to chase. Remind your furry friends just how loved they really are and make sure they share in your daily routine beyond giving them their morning breakfast.
10 Minute Clean Up
I used to think cleaning was at least a 2-3 hour activity to see any major results, and I seldom found time to ever dedicate that much time in my busy schedule. However, once I heard about the 10 minute cleaning rule my world, or my house I should say, completely changed! I used to majorly clean my house once a week and now I just dedicate 10 minutes a day to maintaining the level of cleanliness I like.
Drink Water
Your body has gone all night without getting any water, so replenish yourself when you first wake up in the morning. I flavor my water with healthy ingredients, so drinking a lot of water in the morning is something I can look forward.

Honestly, there’s an endless amount of topics you can journal about from the dreams you had last time, to what you did yesterday, what you plan to do in the future, etc. Pull out a journal and let your creative juices flow!
Water Your Plants

Proud plant moms out there, this ones for you. Check-in on your little plant-babies and see if they’re thirsty for a drink.
Go For A Walk

I go on walks daily by myself, but I challenge you to bring a friend or your spouse. This wakes you up, elevates your mood, and I find conversations are just flat out more enjoyable to have in motion. lol
Take Your Vitamins
Do this activity with caution! If you have a strong stomach for your vitamins like my husband then please have at it. However, if you’re like me and you need to wait later in the day with more food in you then cross this activity off of your morning routine.
Sing In The Shower
I’ve found showering doesn’t have to be a to-do list item that just gets checked off of your list. It can / should be a relaxing experience. Trade your harsh lighting for candles, turn on some background music, and sing in the shower.
Call A Parent Or A Friend

This is dependent on how early your loved ones get up, or how late you go into work. CAUTION: Don’t wake up anyone who isn’t a morning person. Before my job became remote, I would chat with my brothers or parents for 15 minutes on the way to work.
Study In The Morning
Want to learn a new language? Practicing for an upcoming exam? Morning are my optimal time to get personal studying done, so I can relax in the evenings when I want to wind down. This is where I dedicated most of my time to studying the Project Management Professional (PMP) exam because I was too worn out in the evenings to really focus.
Cleanse Your Skin + Moisturize

Ladies, DON’T rush this activity and be rough on your skin. Be gentle on your face and avoid tugging and stretching your skin by going too fast. I believe we aren’t gentle with our skin because sometimes we do this activity last minute and are racing against the clock. Slow down and play nice with your face. You’ll thank me when you’re older!
Make Your Favorite Breakfast

It’s eggs and salsa all the way for me! Or sourdough pancakes! Gosh, I get so happy when I get to make my favorite foods for breakfast! Comment down below and tell me what is your favorite breakfast food!
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Check The Weather Forecast

Yep, I’m guilty of not doing this and regretting my wardrobe choices later in the day. I live in an area where my morning weather does not always reflect the afternoon or evening weather. So check what the forecast is projected to be that day and plan accordingly.
Read Your Favorite Book

Create a list of books you want to read and challenge yourself to read at least 5-10 pages a day. I’m all into the Dave Ramsey book ‘Total Money Makeover’ right now and I highly recommend it.
Spend Time With Your Spouse

Out of everything on this perfect morning routine’s list, this one is by far my favorite. My husband is a flight instructor and he flies with his students early in the morning to avoid bad weather. On the days when he doesn’t have a flight book, I relish in the times I get to be with him. We’ll sit out on the patio for an hour to just chat over breakfast.
Write Your Spouse A Love Note

When my husband and I would visit each other while we were long-distance dating, we would leave love notes for the other one another to find after the visit. We don’t do this nearly as often now, but sometimes we’ll write a love note to surprise each other and express how important we are to one another. 10/10 BEST feeling in the morning! Save these notes to reflect years down the road.
Have A Solo High Tea Party Outside

Who says you can’t have high tea by yourself? Pull out the fine china and set the patio table exactly how you like it and take pleasure in a a fancy breakfast to yourself. I have done this often, and I enjoy it SOOO much!
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Put On Sunscreen

You can damage your skin even on a cloudy day, so put on sunscreen that protects your skin from the sun. I use Josie Maran’s Natural Sunscreen as her sunscreen doesn’t include any toxins that will cause more harm than good.
Sit In Silence

I can’t press this enough: Silence is GOOD! When was the last time you had a moment where you just sat in silence? We are inundated with tv, phone, and people to the point where we can forget how to enjoy the silence. Lay down, sit down, or go on a walk with no electronics or distractions and just be present.
Draw Or Paint

Paint or draw whatever you’re in the mood for or color out of a cute adult coloring book! If you need background noise, put on one of your favorite shows and just relax. A fun challenge would be to draw within a theme for 30 days to see your skills improve after a month.
Reply To Personal Emails & Text Messages

While I don’t recommend exposing yourself to your email or even focusing on texts early in the morning sometimes we just have to do it. If your lifestyle requires you to be present in emails and texts regularly then schedule this for the later part of your morning. If you answer emails and texts too early in the morning, you may struggle with finding an appropriate stopping point.
Get Yourself Ready To Go Out The Door
Get everything staged early on in your morning, so you’re not scrambling last minute to get out the door. Have your lunch, backpack, keys, shoes, and anything else you need to start your work day all ready at the door.
Try A New Hairstyle

Honestly there are SOO MANY cute and easy hair tutorials for you to try on Youtube! I have been a one trick pony for too long with my hair, so branching out and trying different hairstyles can we a lot of fun.
Play An Instrument

Want to learn to play an instrument? Set aside 30 minutes a day to practicing an instrument and see where your skills are in 3 months. My younger brother took to self-teaching himself piano and now he can place Studio Ghibli music!
Write Your Goals For The Day
As Benjamin Franklin would say ‘If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail”. Set your sights on what you want to get done that day and seize the day!
Spend 30 Minutes A Day Learning A New Language
A little tip would be to learn the very basics to any language. Introducing yourself, greeting people, understanding the who, what, where, and why questions. Start small and grow from there. We’re all about the marathon here and not just the sprint.
Take Care Of Your Garden
Like my mother-in-law if you have a large garden then you are going to want to take care of your plants and any weeding in either the mornings or the evenings. My mother-in-law usually finds mornings to be the best time in the day to manage the garden as she’s a little more tired in the evenings.
Make A Loaf of Bread

Girl, I LOVE my homemade sourdough bread which is now our family’s household staple. Now that I have the process down to a T, I can easily make the dough in the mornings and let the dough rise all day, so I can bake the bread that evening. If you are a pro bread maker then consider including this activity in your mornings.
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Listen To A Comedy Act
Having a bad day and need a laugh? If I need a laugh to de-stress in the morning as I anticipate a long workday ahead, I’ll have a comedy show going on in the background. My favorite comedians have come from Dry Bar on Youtube.
Allow Yourself To Be Bored

We have the television, our phones, and every other distraction on the planet to keep us busy to the point where we forget what it’s like to be truly bored. Studies have shown being bored is actually great for generating productivity and creative ideas!
Get Enough Sleep

You heard me! You can’t sacrifice good sleep for a morning routine. I’ve tried it and it just. doesn’t. work! If you are a night owl like I was then go to sleep 20 or 30 minutes early each night until you go to bed at an appropriate time. This let’s you wake up refreshed in the morning and seizing the day the right way!
Put Your Alarm In The Other Room
Let me tell you, I have a love HATE relationship with this trick, but I can’t deny the fact that it works! You guessed it! When your alarm is in the other room you’re forced to get out of bed to go turn it off waking you up in the process.
Hold Off On Early Morning Drama

Expecting an email tomorrow morning with drama attached to it? A phone call that needs to be had to settle a dispute? Save the morning drama for after you finish your favorite activities of the day to avoid stressing your whole day. Drama has a time and place in your day and if you can wait until after you finish your morning routine then I encourage you to do so.
Have A Cup Of Coffee

For all of our coffee lovers out there, this is a morning activity that is hard to forget. 😉 What I encourage you to do is enjoy your coffee! Pour yourself a cup, sit down and relax for a moment. If you can help it, try not rush out the door with your coffee (and breakfast for that matter) and actually slow down to enjoy your morning.
Eat A Frog

Not literally, of course! 😉 Eating a frog is a reference to accomplishing your hardest task of the day rather than putting it off forever. The mindset of completing your hardest task first will make the rest of your day easier as you’re more refreshed in the mornings. We sometimes build-up tasks to be larger than they actually are. Make the push to concur your hardest tasks first and enjoy the rest of the day without having the job loom over your head all day.
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This post was all about the perfect morning routine