People Don’t Follow These Overnight Guests Rules & It Creates Awkward Encounters

Are you about to have overnight guests over, but you’ve never hosted a day in your life? Being unprepared may leave your guest feeling awkward or worse unwelcome in your house. This is why we created this etiquette guide to help prevent you from experiencing a misstep. These etiquette tips and tricks will leave your guests raving about their stay!

Overnight guests

This post is all about etiquette when hosting overnight guests!

Set Your Temperature to Anywhere Between 67-71 Degrees

No matter what temperature you set your house to, there will always be someone who is too chilly or too warm. However, if you want to know what we may suggest you set your baseline to, it is anywhere between 67-71 degrees. You can always ask your guest when they arrive if the temperature is to their liking.

Have Essentials Within Your Guests’ Reach

overnight guests

Prevent your guest from having to ask you for basic necessities by already having them in reach such as toilet paper. You won’t want to put your guest in an awkward position to be calling you from the toilet because you forgot to restock the guest bathroom.

Swap Out Used Products for New

overnight guests

Swap out used items for brand new ones particularly in the restroom. Imagine being at a hotel and you see a used bar of soap? Typically, a guest wouldn’t want to touch bars of soap that have been pre-used before their arrival.

Set Expectations in Advance

Expectation letdown is a big no-no, and one you really want to avoid when having friends or family over. I always call my guests to get an idea of what brings them into town besides hanging out with us. If your guests have a few stops prearranged during their stay, then you can expect them to be gone during certain moments of the day.

DO NOT book any tickets or make any movie plans without running it past your guests as you may not be the only person they’re seeing during their visit. What if you surprise them with tickets only to learn they’re going out to eat with friends soon.

Give Your Guest Privacy:

Provide a bedroom & bathroom your houseguest can have to themselves. Most importantly give them space to take time for themselves during their stay should they need it. Not everyone is an extravert and will want to socialize nonstop. If you notice your guest is beginning to look zapped ensure you communicate to them that they can have some alone time.

Sometimes guests do not feel they can speak up for themselves in fear of being rude.

DO NOT Bring Up Controversial Topics During the Visit

“It’s my house, I can say what I want.”… I’ve experienced this statement once when being a guest in someone’s home, and I can say it doesn’t impress me in the least.

As a host your aim should be to direct the conversation to topics you and your guest will enjoy. If you know there’s a subject you both will disagree on then it is not your place to flex your opinion just because it is your house. You have invited guests to make them comfortable and have a good time. Not to put them in an awkward position, and wishing they never accepted the invite in the first place.

This logic applies to guest as well as they should be considerate when entering someone else’s domain. Leave all hard topics at the welcome mat and just enjoy each other’s company.

Avoid Arguing with Your Spouse or Kids in Front of Your Houseguest

That uncomfortable moment where you’ve become an audience member to a fight. The guest might be too uncomfortable to excuse themselves and it makes the rest of the night completely awkward. No matter how upset you may be, you shouldn’t fight with your loved ones in front of your guest. If the matter is quite pressing then find a quiet moment alone with your person, but don’t put your guest in this awful position by airing your dirty laundry.

Do Not Force Your Pets on Your Overnight Guests

Is your guest allergic to dogs or cats? Find out in advance how sensitive their allergy is and ensure it’s safe for them to stay the night. If you know they’re not allergic, but they don’t like cats or dogs then don’t let your animal roam all over the guest if they appear uncomfortable.

Respect Your Guests’ Schedule / Bedtimes

You may be CRAZY excited to visit and catch up with your friend or family member but remember to not overstay your welcome. This is possible to do even as a host in your own home. If your guest is used to going to bed early, don’t hold them hostage by making them stay up late into the night with chatter. As the host, it’s your job to gage your guest, and see if they want to socialize more or go to sleep.

Leave Them a Good Parking Spot

Not a requirement, but a great kindness to do, nevertheless. Your guest will come with luggage, so a closer parking spot makes it easier to carry everything inside. This also displays a great welcome to your guest when they’re surprised with a close parking spot.

Do Not Be the Cause of Your Guest Missing Their Flight or Next Appointment

This one should go without saying, but unfortunately it does have to be said. Once the stay is over, it is time to let your guest leave in a timely manner that is respectful to their schedule. Do not spend the morning pulling them back into conversation while they’re trying to get out the door.

There’s nothing worse for a guest then to show up only to learn there was no preparation for their visit. This may leave them feeling like they weren’t wanted in the first place and puts them in a really awkward spot if they have to ask for items that should have already been prepared in advance. Therefore, we put together a checklist for you, so you may have all of the options laid before you to get ready for your guests.

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Clean & Comfortable Bedding

No one wants a grumpy, sleep deprived guest. Provide a few essentials as well as go above and beyond to ensure they get the best night sleep.

  • Sound machine / fan with varying noises to choose from
  • Fresh sheets
  • Extra blankets in case the guest needs them
  • A variety of soft and hard pillows
  • Air purifier to help eliminate dust
  • Humidifier

Wi-Fi & Charging Stations

  • Wi-Fi password (see picture for creative examples)
  • Power strips with a few USB port options in case they forget their charging cable at home
    • This is not an expectation, but will earn you brownie points
  • Spare phone chargers

Bathroom Essentials

overnight guests
  • Toilet paper (have at least 1 extra roll within reach and more depending on the length of their stay)
  • Clean towels hung up for ready use.

Comfort Essentials

  • Plenty of cozy blankets for winter guests or cool bedding for summer guests.
    • For example: Do not have your fleece sheets on the guest bed when you’re hosting guests in the middle of summer.
  • Temperature control: Make sure your guest is comfortable with the temp you set.
  • Noise levels: Be cognizant that you have a guest sleeping and be mindful of the noise levels.

Welcome Basket for House Guests

This section isn’t required to make yourself a good host. However, if you want to look like a professional, then this is the ticket to making a guest SUPER, crazy impressed! I love to do this when I’m hosting overnight guests, and it’s way cheaper than you may realize!

I purchase a basket I like (or a basket you already own), and I fill it with items my guests may need during their stay. Including items the guest is expected to bring themselves such as toothbrush and toothpaste. Your guest may have left leave in a hurry, and they may have accidentally left something behind. Imagine their face when they realize they left their makeup cleanser at home only to learn you included it in their gift basket! It’s totally a ‘impress the in-laws’ moment! 😉

  • Toothbrush
  • Toothpaste
  • Towels
  • Mouthwash
  • Shampoo
  • Conditioner
  • Facial Cleanser
  • Bar of soap
  • Feminine hygiene products

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  • Wi-Fi password (I would include a framed wi-fi password right in the basket)
  • Candy
  • Moisturizer
  • Bottled water
  • Mason jar glasses
  • Bath bomb or shower fizzers
  • Face mask
  • Shower loofahs
  • A mini present that reflects the guests’ interests

I’m a fan of Dollar Tree as it’s fancy free as well as guilt-free. All of the items I listed above can be purchased from the Dollar Tree and look really expensive if put in the right basket. You can buy travel size version of most things at the Dollar Tree store, and it will not break your budget!

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Plan your meals in advance before your guests arrive. Purchase the ingredients ahead of time and have as much prepared before they step through the door. This is a tried-and-true tip we do when we know overnight guests are coming as it takes a lot of stress off of us.

~ Eggs, Cheese, & Salsa~

~ Kodiak Pancakes~

Kodiak pancakes from Costco are super delicious! Pair it with their maple syrup and you all won’t be able to stop eating!

~ Strawberry & Apple slices~

~ Strawberry Water ~

~ Tea & Coffee & Matcha ~

Your guests may be full if they eat a large breakfast like we listed above. A simpler lunch went with a charcuterie board, and it was quite a hit!

~ Mini Panini Sandwiches ~

~ Cheeses~

Our go to is the variety pack of Boursin cheeses from Costco. Crazy popular with anyone we serve them to.

~ Salami, Coppa and Prosciutto ~

~ Macaroons ~

Another fan favorite among guests! The multi-color pack from Costco is enough for everyone!

Life gets crazy, and we don’t always have time to whip up a homecooked meal. Quite frankly, sometimes my husband and I both want a vacation from the kitchen and enjoy our guests without chopping up anything on the cutting board.

So, a great fall back is shopping for ready to serve meals at Costco. The refrigerated section near the rotisserie chicken has AMAZING meals already prepared. You only need to be put the items in the oven. A favorite of ours is the large chicken pot pie, but I can also recommend the chicken alfredo. So tasty!!

Being a host means cleaning, planning, and lots of socializing. Do not feel bad if you’re not in the mood to cook. Eating out at a restaurant or premade meal doesn’t make you a bad host. It merely makes you a smart person who knows there’s only so many hours in the day. 😉

A deep clean can be really overwhelming, especially if you’re guests are coming on short notice. A resource we always recommend is our free cleaning / organizing printable down below! Take a peak!

This post was all about etiquette when hosting overnight guests!

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This post was all about etiquette for hosting overnight guests

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